Friday, September 12, 2008
September 26 2008
-- Tri Ngo
A first year has stepped up and volunteered to present. How awesome is that?
Title: Stochastic White Matter Tractography
Abstract: Stochastic Tractography is a Bayesian approach for inferring nerve
fiber tract parameters from DTI (Diffusion Tensor Imaging) data. We
use this framework to calculate the posterior probability of the
existence of tracts given our observations. Additionally, the
Bayesian framework allows the algorithm to infer tracts which pass
through regions with uncertain fiber orientations, previously
unreachable by non-Bayesian methods, thereby revealing more details
about structural connectivity.
We have implemented the algorithm into the ITK medical image analysis
toolkit, an open source NIH supported medical image analysis toolkit.
Additionally we created a user interface which allows the program to
be integrated in the popular 3D Slicer medical image visualization
program. Finally we present some potential clinical studies for the
Location: Clark 110 Homewood